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Our Services


We create more than just pretty interfaces with functionality. Design a digital web design solution that narrates your brand story.

Web App

As a professional web app services provider we are envisioned to provide the latest and finest app development solutions to businesses worldwide.


Top-notch software solutions developed by professionals and the wide range of custom software development services is available.

Working Process

We’re open-source enthusiasts. Given the right circumstances, we believe it makes the Web (and our lives) better. And Some of the many clients we’ve helped achieve great results.

01. Contact Us

The process starts when you contact us by calling us, emailing to, or by filling out the Contact Us form. Usually we start by signing an NDA for you.

One of our top developers will contact you via email or by phone to discuss the project with you. We are all excellent software developers each with many years of experience, so we can discuss your options in depth and give you some rough estimates right away.

02. About Your Project

In that discussion we will want to know how this software is going to help you make or save money. We will ask a lot of questions about your business to be able to understand the issues at a gut level. This is essential for us to be able to create the software for the least cost.

Once we figure out a plan of action, we will create the development agreement between you and Code Optimizer. We generally work on an hourly basis and there are some projects that we can do on a fixed fee basis.

03. Development

To begin development, we will select a lead developer and as the project progresses additional developers may be put on it. Generally you will communicate directly with the developers via phone  and email.

Our developers will create something within a few days and get that to you to try it. Over the course of the project, we will update it almost every day so you can see the progress.

As things progress and the software moves into production, you will be in contact with our developer as much as you need in order to prepare for next phases or adjust the plans as you and we learn new things.

Modern Technologies

We work on various technology & platforms to accomplish your work based on project type and requirements and after analysing which technology suits the requirements best.

We design and develop unique products for startups, companies, and everything in between. We believe good design is crafted out of real understanding.

That understanding is the reason our products are so charming. Because we design for people, not things.

So what’s next?

Let’s talk about your idea